What’s On Your To-Be-Read Pile?

Those of you who also subscribe to my newsletter* know that I include the cover of a book from my to-be-read shelves in each issue. A recent email from a new reader** got me thinking about the fact that most of you are not only history buffs, but serious book people who have to-be-read piles or shelves or lists of your own that you might be willing to share.

I would like to open up an occasional guest post spot for reader recommendations. Here’s how it will work:

1. Send me a brief review of a work of historical non-fiction you’ve loved, or are eager to read: what it’s about, why you loved it (or why you want to read it). I’m thinking 300 words or less.
2. If it’s an older book, a photo of the cover would be nice.
3. I need to be able to at least use your name–though I suppose if you come up with something like Constant Reader I’ll accept it.*** I’d love to include a brief bio. I’ll be happy to include a link to your website or blog if you have one.
4. I reserve the right to edit for clarity, grammar, or spelling.

Assuming anyone responds, I won’t publish these more than once a week. More likely twice a month.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

*In the newsletter I talk about writing in generally and specifically writing about history. If that’s your drink of choice, I’d love to see you there. Here’s the sign-up link: http://eepurl.com/cobpk9

**Hat tip to Fred Moss. Look at what you’ve started!

***But you can’t use Constant Reader unless you’re Dorothy Parker.


  1. Bart Ingraldi on October 27, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    Wow – a thought provoking request. I may need time to whittle down to a single book.

    • pamela on October 28, 2017 at 12:34 pm

      I look forward to seeing what you decide.

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