Wire Services and Carrier Pigeons

Over the last few years, I’ve spent time learning about the larger history of journalism in order to understand Sigrid Schultz in context. The growth of the wire services was an important part of that story. The services were predecessors to the foreign news bureaus that developed after World War I and then their competitors.…

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X-Rays: Earlier than I Realized

Every book I write leads me down unexpected byways that inform what I write, and even what I think,  but don’t actually appear on the page. In the case of Sigrid Schultz, I regularly found myself up against questions of technology. Often I pursued a technical question because I wanted to understand how Schultz and…

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From the Archives: Running on Railroad Time

In case you haven’t heard, I am still deep in book mode.  May 1 approaches, and I am doing the revision hokey-pokey.  (Put the right words in, take the wrong words out, but the right words, and you shake it all about.)  While I turn myself around, here is a post for your amusement that…

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