Illuminate: An Invitation
Last week several of my writing friends and I embarked on a small adventure:* a Facebook Group called Illuminate–Shining the Light on Fabulous Nonfiction. (That tagline may have changed by the time you get there. It’s a work in progress.) Our goal is to connect readers who love mainstream narrative nonfiction–history, biography, literary studies, cultural studies–to the very best books and spark conversations about them. (The books, not the readers.) I think some/most/all of you share my passion for narrative history. I’d love to have you join us.
Membership is pretty painless. Unlike joining the Shriners or the Boy Scouts or the PTA, there are no meetings to attend. There isn’t even a secret handshake.**
If you’re interested, just go HERE and click the Join button. One of us will approve your membership and you’re in.***
And when the group has grown to a bazillion eager readers, you’ll be able to say you were there when it all began.
See you there?
*Because none of us have enough to do writing books.
**Though I must admit, I’m fond of funny hats. And I suspect we’d all qualify for a reading merit badge.
***We will not, however, approve creepy guys cruising Facebook, skeezy porn chicks, or bots. Unless they can prove that they read history and like it.