Home for Christmas

By the time you read this, My Own True Love and I will be in the Missouri Ozarks, celebrating the holiday with my family. Unlike many families, whose Christmas traditions are carved in stone, my family’s traditions have always been fluid, re-created from year to year to reflect new discoveries/ enthusiasms/family members/challenges. This year will…

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1924: A (Really Long) Year in Review

This was the year that inspired me to return to writing “A Year in Review” posts. Things related to 1924 caught my attention over the course of the year. Not just events related to Sigrid Schultz and Nazi Germany, though obviously that was part of it. The more notes I took about 1924, the more…

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Counting My Blessings

  It is Thanksgiving here in the United States, and I have a LOT to be thankful for this year, including the fact that I am at home cooking Thanksgiving dinner.* In a few minutes I will begin several hours of peeling, chopping, stirring, and roasting, with an occasional pause to put my feet up…

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