Heading Home for Thanksgiving

As I write this, My Own True Love and I are packing for the drive from Chicago to my hometown in the Missouri Ozarks to spend the holiday with my family. As usual, the list of things I wanted to accomplish before we hit the road is longer than the time available to do them. And as usual, I am editing the list down from things I want to do to things I need to do. One thing I refused to edit off the list was this blog post.

People sometimes ask me why I write this blog, especially when I’m under the gun with a book deadline. (Don’t get me started!) The answer is simple: all of you. You don’t just read my posts. You send me comments and ideas, ask hard questions, point out the typos, and cheer me on.  Thank you for being on this journey with me, whether you’ve been reading me from the beginning or you’ve just found me. There’s a lot more history out there to explore and I look forward to sharing it with you.


And speaking of sending me ideas, I getting ready to send out invitations to my annual Women’s History Month extravaganza of mini-interviews.* If you “do” women’s history in any format, or know someone who does, or just have an idea of someone you would love to see in the series, let me know. (With the caveat that I may not be able to get a big name writer to respond without a connection of some kind.)

*Some of you who know me in real life are probably saying “Are you crazy???!!!” To which I say, “yes, I am crazy” and “yes, I am doing this.”


  1. CHERYL POTTS on November 22, 2022 at 3:27 pm

    I am an author (can call myself that now that I have a short story published in a Chicken Soup for the Soul book) almost finished with my HF about my G Grandmother coming from Ireland on, a ship, when she was 14 as an orphan in 1860 . I have a HF about the life of Martha Washington in the drawer. I love the idea of Women’s History Month, for that is what I write–stories about our real American history from real women’s points of views with a bit of fiction thrown in to make it human.
    I always enjoy your blog and am developing a web page. Will contact you with that infor when it is ready for the world.

    You, too, crazy Pamela, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and take time to notice the lovely changing of the colors of the trees. It seems a bit more astounding this year out here in California.

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