Celebrate A Woman Who Made a Difference (By 5/20)

(Normally I try to send out blog posts on Tuesdays and Fridays, but I’m pushing this one forward a bit because, as you’ll see below tempus fugit.)

At some point in the last two years I stumbled across the National Women’s History Project, an organization whose tagline reads “Writing Women Back  into History.” (Insert fist-pump here.)

Founded in 1980, the organization led the charge for designating March as National Women’s History Month.  Today, the NWHP focuses on teaching as many people as possible about women’s role in history.  To which I say, Yes! Yes!  And Yes!  They provide women’s history resources for schools, train teachers, and coordinate programs for Women’s History Month.*

They also chose an annual theme for National Women’s History Month.  The theme for 2018 is honoring women who fight all forms of discrimination against women.** Here’s how they describe it:

The 2018 theme recognizes the intersecting forms of discrimination women have faced, and continue to face, throughout American history and celebrates the diverse women who have fought, and continue to fight, discrimination at all levels and in all forms.

You still have time to nominate your favorite shin-kicker–current or historical.  But hurry.  Nominations are accepted through May 20.  Here’s the link: http://www.nwhp.org/2018-theme-nominations/

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a few women warriors nagging at me to get back to work.


*They also have registry of women’s history performers and speakers.  Adding my name to that list has been on my to-do list for months now.  Maybe I’ll head over as soon as I post this.  Or at least set up the public speaking page on my website.  (Feel free to nudge me, folks.)

**They announced the 2018 theme back in April, but it slipped past me in the daily email avalanche.


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